Outpost Estates:
the “jewel in the hills” since 1927.
Outpost Neighborhood Association (ONA) is a non-profit organization comprised of volunteer neighbors that work together to build community and improve our historic neighborhood called Outpost Estates, located in Hollywood Hills, California.
Outpost Estates consists of about 450 homes bordered by Mulholland Drive to the north, Franklin Avenue to the south, Runyon Canyon Park to the west, and Hollywood Heights and the Hollywood Bowl to the east.
Zoom in and out on the map to view the Outpost Estates neighborhood boundaries. Or click this link to be able to search for specific addresses on the map.
Outpost Estates Landscaped Traffic Islands Project: Help Us Make Our Neighborhood More Beautiful and Safer for Everyone
Outpost Estates Landscaped Traffic Islands Project: Help Us Make Our Neighborhood More Beautiful and Safer for Everyone
Outpost Drive, our neighborhood’s main artery, has long faced dangerous motorist behaviors, endangering drivers, pedestrians, and wildlife. Originally without stop signs, motorist-to-motorist and motorist-to-wildlife collisions were frequent, but traffic calming measures including stop signs and traffic islands have improved safety.
Based on feedback gathered from neighbors through our neighborhood survey, many have expressed traffic safety to be among their greatest concerns in the neighborhood. Many also specifically want to see additional traffic islands built along Outpost Drive.
The next phase of the ‘Landscaped Traffic Island Project’ will add three new traffic islands with irrigation on Outpost Drive at La Presa Drive, Chelan Place, and Mulholland Drive. Engineering and permitting are complete, but our next hurdle is to close the funding gap on the project so that construction can begin.