Become an Outpost Neighborhood Association Supporter!

Outpost Neighborhood Association (ONA) represents all stakeholders who live, work, or have an interest in Outpost Estates. As outlined in the ONA Articles of Incorporation, ONA is a nonprofit public benefit corporation and is not organized for the private gain of any person. It is organized under the Nonprofit Public Benefit Corporation Law for charitable purposes. ONA promotes the public safety, community beautification, and public enjoyment of the Outpost Estates neighborhood including canyons adjacent to the Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area, to lessen the burdens of government, to educate the public with respect to region's history and public safety, and to carry on other charitable and educational activities associated with this purpose as allowed by law. ONA gives stakeholders a powerful united voice in our community where you can express and act on local issues impacting our neighborhood, from government agencies and elected representatives to civic organizations and the business community. ONA addresses traffic impacts, Outpost Estates beautification, safety and security, development, and so much more. It’s a fantastic way to connect and build a healthy, happy, and harmonious community.

When you become a supporter of ONA, you not only support your beautiful neighborhood but also benefit personally! Here are just a few of the many perks of becoming a supporter:

  1. Stay Informed: receive the Outpost Estates e-Newsletter!

  2. Enjoy Free Entertainment: get access to free Hollywood Bowl and The Ford concerts (see here)

  3. Enjoy Exclusive Discounts: enjoy exclusive discounts at nearby restaurants and businesses, such as a 25% discount at Yamashiro.

  4. And Much More to Come!

By donating using the donation form to the right, ONA is able to maintain and beautify our traffic islands and other public spaces, host community events, and cover administrative expenses. Additionally, ONA is an entirely volunteer-led organization, so 100% of donations support neighborhood initiatives and our minimal organizational overhead, maximizing the positive impact on our community. As ONA is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit with Tax ID 83-2513559, donations may be tax-deductible. Being a supporter is for a 12 month period from the date of donation. Thank you for your support!

Stewards of Outpost

Champion ($500+)

  1. Anonymous (7)

Patron ($350+)

  1. Anonymous (10)

Contributor ($200+)

  1. Anonymous (10)

Stay in Touch!

Outpost Neighborhood Association (ONA) uses two platforms for Outpost Estates stakeholders to keep in touch: 1) email newsletters and 2) a residents only WhatsApp group text.

ONA usually send 1 or 2 email newsletters per month that contain information about social events, meetings, traffic, safety, and beautification efforts. We don’t sell or share your contact information.

The WhatsApp group text is for residents only that live in Outpost Estates and is used to quickly share information and solicit help or feedback from neighbors.

Outpost Neighborhood Association
is only as successful as our wonderful volunteers!

Consider volunteering your time, skills and expertise to help improve our Outpost Estates community. There are opportunities annually to join the Outpost Neighborhood Association Board of Directors, or get involved in some of the following focus areas:

  • Beautification: our hillside setting is filled with marvelous flora and fauna. With our diligent and prudent care, we can continue to beautify Outpost Estates. Tree planting, signage, and cleanups are a great way to get involved!

  • Traffic & Safety: works with local agencies and the Hollywood Bowl to improve traffic, awareness, and offer solutions to transportation and traffic concerns and increase a general sense of well-being in Outpost Estates.

  • Events: help bring together neighbors and foster a sense of community! There is always a need for volunteers to coordinate and host cocktail parties, BBQs, and other neighborhood events.

  • Rewards & Experiences: help distribute Hollywood Bowl tickets to neighbors, and reach out to local businesses and community groups to foster partnerships!

  • Marketing & Communication: works to spread the word, get the message out, and excite our neighborhood. We’re always in need of energetic volunteers to send out mailers, post signs, write emails – and more!

  • Recruitment: From maintaining our email list, to inviting neighbors to join our organization as a supporter, we are always on the look out for neighbors to assist with recruitment activities.

Use the form below to contact Outpost Neighborhood Association: