“No Trespassing” Signs Available to Outpost Neighborhood Association Supporters Upon Request

Example of an ONA "No Trespassing" sign posted on one of the undeveloped tracts of land in Outpost Estates using a metal frame (like the one here).

Posting a “No Trespassing” sign on your property and filing a yearly “Trespass Arrest Authorization Form” with the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) allows LAPD to arrest unwanted or unwelcome people (trespassers or squatters) on your property, even when you are not there.

One way to ensure your property is protected from trespassers and squatters is to post "no trespassing” signs in appropriate areas and file a “Trespass Arrest Authorization” form each year with the LAPD.

Los Angeles Municipal Code is very specific on what signage is required, including where signage is posted, what words are on the signage, and how tall the signage letters must be, in order to enforce trespassing.

According to the code, “no person shall enter or be present upon any private property or portion of private property not open to the general public without the consent of the owner, the owner’s agent, or the person in lawful possession, where signs forbidding entry are displayed.”

Additionally, “one sign must be printed or posted in a conspicuous manner at every walkway and driveway entering any enclosed property or portion thereof and at a minimum of every fifty feet along the boundary of any unenclosed lot. This requirement is met if at least one sign is conspicuously printed or posted on the outside of every structure on such property, so as to be readable from each walkway and driveway entering such property.”

The sign must include the following words and the words underlined must be at least two inches high:

No Entry Without Permission

L.A.M.C. SEC. 41.24

Outpost Neighborhood Association (ONA) has printed “No Trespassing” signs that are 18” x 24"on coroplast that comply with the Los Angeles Municipal Code. The signs can be nailed to a surface or post, attached to a fence, or inserted into a metal fame (like the one here) and placed in the ground. These signs are available upon request to ONA supporters (max of two signs per supporter).

Additionally, if you would like the Los Angeles Police Department to have the ability to enforce the no trespassing ordinance when you are away from your home, you must also complete a “Trespass Arrest Authorization” form each year (they are only valid for 12 months from the date of submission).

Once the “Trespass Arrest Authorization” form is completed, drop it off at the LAPD Hollywood Community Police Station located at 1358 N Wilcox Ave, Los Angeles, 90028.

For more information, contact our LAPD Senior Lead Officer, Joe Raviol, at 40541@LAPD.ONLINE or call the LAPD Hollywood Community Police Station directly at (213) 972-2971.

Image of the "Trespass Arrest Authorization" form that must be completed every 12 months and filed with the Los Angeles Police Department". Click on the Green button to download the form. 


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