Outpost Estates Streets Condition Report
Example of an asphalt road in Outpost Estates in poor condition.
Example of a concrete road in Outpost Estates in poor condition.
The Los Angeles City Bureau of Street Services (BSS) reviews all roads in the city and publishes a "Pavement Condition Index" for each road segment. The Pavement Condition Index goes from 0 (being the worst road condition) to 100 (being the best road condition). This information is published in a searchable map located here (click on the "Pavement Condition Index" layer on the map to see the results). An image of the online searchable map is below for reference:
The following table shows how all streets in Outpost Estates rate on the Pavement Condition Index. In Outpost Estates, La Presa Drive and Castillian Drive have the worst road conditions in the neighborhood.
Some of the roads in Outpost are asphalt. Some are concrete. The concrete roads are harder to repair/resurface. Outpost Drive used to be concrete and years ago the City resurfaced it to asphalt. This site has some good information on how street ratings are performed and this site has some good frequently asked questions on why it takes so long to resurface streets in the city.
BSS has planned to resurface La Presa Drive sometime in 2025 - 2026 since it is the worst road condition in Outpost Estates. For some reason, Carmen Crest Drive and Outpost Cove Drive are next on the list to be resurfaced in 2027-2028 even though there are roads in Outpost Estates that are in worse condition than those streets.
If you want to advocate for your street to be repaved, the contact at Los Angeles City Councilmemeber District 4 (Nithya Raman) office who tracks resident feedback/requests on road resurfacing/repairs is Mehmet Berker, Transportation, Infrastructure & Public Space Director, mehmet.berker@lacity.org. You can also email traffic@outpostestates.com too and Outpost Estates can collect resident feedback and help advocate collectively.